Pest Control Slugs

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Slugs are nothing but some kind of mollusk creatures, which contains jelly like fluid inside their body. The mollusk phylum family is a group of slimy creatures, which are loathed all over the world. The slimy nature makes it slippery and they are not easily attacked physically. These slimy creatures attack the low lives in your garden or in your crop field. The only remedy to this oldest problem of farmers is to use the pesticide. Pest control slugs are the one thing which will get you out ion this trouble. The kinds of plants these slimy creatures attack are those important that provide necessary foods in the form of vegetables and fruits. The vegetables that are frequently under attack are cabbage and lettuce, which is widely planted all over the country. These slimy creatures are active in the season of spring.

The one thing which you should know before using a slug control pesticide is that these slimy creatures come out and work effectively at slightly higher temperatures than those prevailing in the early morning. The temperature range of about twenty two to twenty six is perfectly suitable for the activities of the mollusk creatures. These mollusk creatures are found in groups at some shady places and some dampen places. The most likely places of their habitat is the moist foundation and the watery sands.

There are several techniques that you can employ to exterminate the mollusk out of your garden or your crop field. One of the most important techniques is the use of baits. The baits will be useful in effectively trapping the mollusk and then you can man handle them and throw them out of your garden. You can control the invasion of the mollusk creatures in to your garden by avoiding the plants that attract the slimy creatures. The one sure fire technique to trap the snails is to keep a bottle half filled with beer and keep it dipped in the sand. See that the bottle in dipped such that the neck of the bottle, that is the opening of the bottle is level with the ground surface. By ensuring that both the bottle and the ground are level, you can make sure that the mollusk drop inside the bottle in search of the food. This technique will surely work if you employ them in a correct manner. The good thing about this technique is that they are cheap.

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