Pruning of Peach Trees

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Gobble pruning, also known as Calyx-shaped pruning, is the most commonly used technique for orchard-raised peach trees. Peaches grown in this manner must be topped, meaning that the top branch must be removed and the crown built on 3-4 main branches. Continuous pruning is necessary requirement for all peach trees, so gobble pruning must be executed 19 inches above the trunk so that it ultimately simplifies the work of pruning, thinning and pest combat.web-correct-pruning-cut

Although calyx-shaped pruning is used for peach trees, a modified leader system also affords successful results and is generally preferred for many peach species. In this scenario, the tree tops must be cut by 39 inches.

Seedlings with a scale of 0.5 – 0.6 inches are used. 3-4 weeks after plantation, 4-5 lateral roof branches (that are not overlapping each other) must be selected while the others are removed. The first branch should be situated 1 – 1.5 inches above soil level and the distance between the branches should be 6 inches. If the seedling has an ample amount of strong lateral branches, 1-2 of them can be shortened with a little cut on the top.pruning2

At the end of the second growth period, peach tree need to be pruned slightly. Each lateral branch endangering the development of each leader branch should be shortened by the outer buds.

In the third growth period, a slight degree of pruning should be executed. 2-3 proper branches from thepruning roof branches should remain untouched while the others are removed. The top parts can be cut slightl080321121657-largey toward the outside, bearing in mind that a severe cutting is not preferred. Tangled and steep growing branches need to be removed. If the roof is well-established, the tree will be bent toward the side which ultimately prevents the development of the leader branch.

In the fourth growth period, once again, a slight degree of pruning should be executed. In order to prevent the formation of flowers and fruit, aggressive pruning should be avoided in this period. Crowded buds on the trunk can be rarefied. The leader can be weakened at this time, particularly if it has not grown in the previous year.

Because peach trees generate flowers on horizontal buds, the trees should be pruned in a way that enables the formation of sound and long buds. It is important to prune peach trees within the yield period each and every year, otherwise the tree rapidly develops in an upward and sideward direction.

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